Matthew has extensive experience in teaching, training, and performing, both onstage and online. He has spoken in the San Francisco Bay Area, Paris, France, and online about subjects including creativity, marketing for writers, intuition, podcasting, and more. He also regularly conducts author interviews in a variety of settings.
Upcoming engagements include:
Featured Reader: Writers’ Night Out (12/10; Fairfax, CA)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #2 (12/12; Online)
Book Event: I Will Be the Woman He Loved (1/15; Telegraph Hill Books)
Featured Reader: Bazaar Cafe Travel Writing Salon (1/19; San Francisco)
Book Event: I Will Be the Woman He Loved (2/8; Healdsburg, CA)
Book Event: I Will Be the Woman He Loved (3/8; Corte Madera, CA)
Workshop Leader: Writers Forum (3/11; Online)
Speaker: Life Coaching (4/2; Human Potential Academy; Online)
Facilitator: Grotto Circle (4/16; The Writers Grotto; San Francisco)
Speaker: Nontraditional Publishing (4/22; University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Speaker: Workplace Intuition (5/2/25; PRG Executives in Transition; Online)
Speaker: Preparing for Publication (5/3/25; San Fernando Valley CWC; Online)
Lots more past events below the videos.
Sizzle Reel
Past events include:
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #1 (12/5; Online)
Book Launch: I Will Be the Woman He Loved (11/23; Sausalito, CA)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #2 (11/14; Online)
Writers Retreat: The Body & The Pen (11/9-10; Tomales Bay, CA)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #1 (11/7; Online)
Reader: “Of the Land” Celebration & Reading (10/13; Marshall, CA)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #2 (10/10; Online)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #1 (10/3; Online)
Moderator: Grotto Night @ SF Library (9/24; Online)
Host: Out of Your Head, Onto the Page (9/24; Online)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #2 (9/12; Online)
Book Passage Creativity Book Group #1 (9/5; Online)
Interviewee: Minds Unleashed Podcast (8/20; Online)
Book launch host: Pisa Loves Bella (8/7; Sausalito Books by the Bay)
Book Passage Personal Growth Book Group (7/6; Online)
Interview: Eric Weiner, Ben & Me (6/22; Book Passage, Corte Madera)
Writing Retreat: The Body & The Pen (6/15; Sonoma, CA)
Book Passage Personal Growth Book Group (6/8; Online)
Book Passage Personal Growth Book Group (5/4; Online)
Book Passage Personal Growth Book Group (3/30; Online)
Writing Retreat: The Body & The Pen (3/3; Sonoma, CA)
Workshop: Let Your Body Show the Way (2/29; SoupSalonSF; San Francisco)
Speaker: Get Into Your Transition (2/23; PRG Executives in Transition; SF)
Speaker: Life Coaching (12/27; Human Potential Academy; London)
Holiday Thrive-ival Event (12/16; Zoom; San Francisco)
Writers Lunch (12/15; Mechanics’ Institute; San Francisco)
Faculty Member: Lit Camp Fall Conference (9/7 - 9/11; Bell Valley, CA)
Lit Camp Spring Conference (6/4 - 6/9; Bell Valley, CA)
Reader: Lit Nights series (6/2; San Francisco, CA)
Bay Area Book Festival Green Room (5/7-8; Berkeley, CA)
Workshop: Podcasting for Authors (5/13; Page Street, San Francisco)
Workshop: Marketing for Authors (4/15; Page Street for Writers, San Francisco)
Reader: Lit Nights series (3/24; San Francisco, CA)
AWP Conference: Lit Camp Booth (3/8 - 3/11; Seattle, WA)
Author Interview: Deb Perelman (1/21; Book Passage, Corte Madera)
Event Host: The Joy of Cannabis (1/18; Sausalito Books by the Bay)
The Mediterranean: Murder, Mayhem, Mysticism (11/17; Mechanics’, SF)
Author Interview: David Downie (11/12; Book Passage, Corte Madera)
Author Interview: Mark Vanhoenacker (10/25; Book Passage, Corte Madera)
Sonoma Writers Conference (10/8; Santa Rosa, CA)
Podcasting Master Class @ SFWC (7/24; SF, CA)
Podcasting for Writers: SF Writers Conference (7/24; SF, CA)
Marketing Panelist: SF Writers Conference (7/23; SF, CA)
Nonfiction Panel Moderator: SF Writers Conference (7/23; SF, CA)
Interview: Graham Robb (7/14; Book Passage, Corte Madera)
Writers Lunch (6/17; Mechanics’ Institute, San Francisco)
Pride Event: LGBTQ+ Writers (6/8; Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
Travel & Adventure Show: Marketing (5/21; Santa Clara)
Bay Area Book Festival Green Room (5/7-8; Berkeley, CA)
Brentwood Literary Stroll (4/3; Brentwood, CA)
Page Street One Page Salon (4/1; San Francisco, CA)
Author Interview: Peter Richardson (3/30; Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
Novelist Interview: Bill Zarchy (2/22; Online, San Francisco)
Interview: Diane LeBow (2/17; Sausalito Books by the Bay)
Interview re: Afghanistan & Travel (12/2; Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
Book Marketing Demystified (10/16; Tri-Valley Writers Conference)
Book Marketing Demystified (10/6; Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
Have Fun Falling: Our inner voice (9/28; Illuminations Online Salon)
Lit Camp Writers Retreat (9/16; Boonville, CA)
Interview w/ Author Erin Byrne (8/24; Sausalito Books by the Bay)
The San Francisco Cable Car (8/2; Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
Interview w/ Author Erin Bryne (7/30; Illuminations Online Salon)
Coming Out of COVID Creatively (7/20; Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
Interview w/ Author N. Hardesty (6/30; Sausalito Books by the Bay)
Book Marketing Demystified (6/19; Redwood Writers, Santa Rosa)
Interview w/ Author Bill Zarchy (6/10; Sausalito Books by the Bay)
Writers Lunch: Publishing & Marketing (Mechanics’ Institute, SF)
The Art of the Interview (Mechanics’ Institute, San Francisco)
Online Marketing Strategy (Bay Area Travel Writers)
Writing Humor (Wordside Writing Club, SF Bay Area)
Experiencing Your Inner Voice (Intuition Chronicles, online series)
Lessons from a Podcast (Book Passage, SF Bay Area)
Online Marketing for Writers (Napa Valley Writers, Zoom)
Litquake 20 in 20 (reader and emcee; Occidental, CA)
Trusting Your Creative Voice (LitWings; Paris, France)
Courage in Creativity (Left Coast Writers Literary Salon)
Additional engagements on podcasts page.
Matthew interviews Eric Weiner about his illuminating latest book, Ben & Me at Book Passage.
Matthew reads an excerpt from his forthcoming book at Page Street's Lit Nights in San Francisco.
Matthew Félix speaks about his experiences podcasting at Book Passage in Corte Madera (San Francisco Bay Area).
Author Matthew Félix gives an overview of his writing career to date at LitWings Paris, at la Caféothèque.
Matthew does a wide-ranging interviewed on The Minds Unleashed podcast.
Matthew shares with the Mechanics’ Institute what he's learned about the art of the interview and why he loves it.
Left Coast Writers invited Matthew to speak about literary courage at their New Year Literary Salon.
Matthew presents his humor collection, Porcelain Travels, at Book Passage in the SF Ferry Building.